
Osteoporosis, a disease that weakens the bones, making them susceptible to fractures, affects three million Spaniards. We recommend the most advisable postures and exercises if you suffer from them.

Osteoporosis problems

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines osteoporosis as a systemic disease characterized by low bone mass and a deterioration of bone tissue’s microarchitecture, leading to increased bone weakness and an increased risk of fractures.

Osteoporosis is a very common disease. It has been one of the most critical health problems in recent years due to the consequences it generates, mainly bone fractures. Around three million people suffer from it in Spain, of which the highest percentage occurs in women.

The most common types of osteoporosis are:

  • Type I or osteoporosis is associated with menopause.
  • Type II is associated with age, affecting people over 70 years with a higher percentage in women.

Fractures are produced by the bone’s fragility, highlighting those of the vertebrae, hip, and forearm. One of the reasons for becoming a serious public health problem is the physical disability and annual healthcare cost.  

Risk factors for osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that any individual can suffer, but there are some important risk factors, among which are:

  • Older people.
  • Diet poor in calcium.
  • Women, especially after menopause.
  • Family background.
  • Long-term treatment of medications such as thyroid hormones, corticosteroids, etc.
  • Too much tobacco, alcohol, or coffee.

Osteoporosis prevention: postures and tips

Especially in older people or those with risk factors for osteoporosis, it is essential not to ignore the physical risks and take the appropriate measures to reduce bone mineral loss, thus avoiding possible fractures.

As measures for the prevention of osteoporosis, we have:

  • A diet rich in calcium: highlighting dairy products, oily fish, and nuts. Calcium needs will depend on each individual.
  • Prevent fractures by being careful in daily life, avoiding excessive shocks or blows, in addition to maintaining proper postures.
  • Perform physical exercise. There are recommended exercises for osteoporosis, but without forgetting to study each person significantly, to adapt the physical activity to each patient’s conditions.

Correct postures to prevent osteoporosis

We carry out many activities during the day, adopting incorrect or repetitive postures that can generate the appearance of specific muscular pains and contractures. You have to maintain correct postures when going to bed or getting up when sitting down, when standing or when carrying objects.

Here are some recommendations to maintain good posture habits:

  • Lift objects off the ground by bending the body at the hips and knees and not lowering the lower back towards the ground.
  • When the object is located at a height higher than the head, you must climb on a chair or ladder to catch it, thus having the object at chest level.
  • To move objects from one side to the other, you must hold them with both hands, knowing that it is better to push or drag a heavy object than carry it on the body.

Tips on Exercise for People with Osteoporosis

  • Avoid sudden movements, such as strong runs or other very energetic.
  • Postural reeducation, you should maintain proper postures, especially if the disease is in an advanced state.
  • Do not hyperflex the spine and avoid overload.
  • Extension and stretching movements to promote joint mobility of the spine.
  • Walk, swim, ride a bike, etc.